Electronic Filing of Claims (e-File)

Download the CPF e-File Agreement (EFA).

(*To utilize the fillable option please open the EFA with Adobe Acrobat*)

Since 2004, the Claims Processing Facility, Inc. (CPF) has accepted electronic filings from law firms. However, a pro-se claimant must file a paper claim.

Features of our e-File system include:

  • Claim submission
  • Document upload
  • Review claim status
  • Cure deficiencies
  • View offers
  • Secure access
  • Claim Reports
  • Help Desk
  • Batch Processing
  • Online Document Viewing

Please review our updated e-File Users Guide for more information.

Access to the e-File system will require you to register with the CPF by downloading and completing the CPF e-File Agreement (EFA). You must return a signed copy of the EFA to the CPF either through the mail, by fax or by e-mail. Failure to complete the entire form may result in processing delays. Your EFA will be reviewed and when approved, the CPF will create an account for your law firm and you will be notified.

A firm only needs to execute and submit the CPF EFA to enable e-File for all the Trusts that have elected to institute the CPF e-File Agreement for their Trust's electronic filing option.

The following contact information should be used to return the signed EFA:

By U.S. Mail:

Claims Processing Facility, Inc.
East West Corporate Center
1771 W. Diehl Road, Suite 220
Naperville, IL 60563

By Fax:

You can reach us at our toll-free number, 888-CPF-EFILE (273-3345), or contact us.